
I usually like cold weather but lately it’s the pits- my paws are raw from salt and ice, my Mama drags me through the snow like I’m a garbage can cover sliding down hill… we will not expand on that today!

Silliness is part of snow storms- here’s one for you .. they have some imagination!

Us -we only did a spaceship in the middle of the night…

ME doing a frolicking dance in feet of snow!

Sometimes I wonder on the wisdom of it all!

My Morning Walk

My favorite place, met a new pooch today but she didn’t want to take a photo, gave her a treat…

Adrian ( our security man) getting out of car so I kept guard until he was at his post.

The monk on the hill meditating …

The pond that I’m not supposed to visit a little murky…

This is a robin’s egg, but where’s the robin?

My walker said it flew away! No too small mama is taking care of it!

This is a special tree, when the new owners bought the house they cut it down, but I’m glad it was born again it’s a Silver Willow very rare!

We met Rosie and I shared my treat, but Ron said no she didn’t have her breakfast yet so he gave it back.

This is an alien, never saw one before.

It looks strange and I had to smell it!

There goes Maddie! She beautiful! She was in her basket going to take her Mama to work! I gave her my treat , she didn’t give it back!

My walker calls her Baby Booboo, Frick and Frack I thought I was her baby booboo! My lovely pooch can share it me!

But not that crazy cat I live with!

They treating the lawn, Mama said no more walking on it or sniffing!

I’m going home to have some chow! See you later señoritas/ mon amie!

Good Morning

Ever morning I jump on papa lap and he says:

Good morning, so good to see you, how you’re feeling ? Good? You look good! Then he rubs my ears and I wiggle my tail and it is just great!

Sometimes I go on car trips down to doggie park! My walker and her unusual vocabulary calls it ‘Lala’ I love to take this Lala… she takes me around my complex or to the store!

Sometimes my Mama holds me and I love that!

This is my great escape from walking and finding excitement outside of home!

Sometimes my human brothers pays attention to me otherwise it can be boring.

But the best time is when Papa comes along and that’s the best Lala ever…

Me and my Papa

Wheelchair Ride

I’m ready to go for a ride!

My Mama lend her wheelchair to Carol Maddie’s Mama… she was hurt by a bad doggie.

Maddie is determined to push me and get a ride along!

My walker would have none of that! Told her jump up or get!

My Papa was snapping photos as I sat on the walkway sunbathing and asking me -if I lost my sense of being… I think he meant if I’m a dog or a man!

Doggie dig dog Papa! I’m having fun!

Snoopy Snoop

3 pm it’s my walkie walkie time! As we walked out – there goes Snoopy Snoop we quickly did a double time and ran inside the house! We laughed we cried and we were hysterical!

Waited 5 minutes and we went out again! There he was again at the corner of Deerfoot snooping around the neighborhood!

We did a double take again and we ran in hysterical laughing !

We finally made a left, going down the back of the house through Norma’s garden on to Tall Tulip made believe we did not see him and snuck ourselves into Maddie’ s garden!

She’s got a beautiful garden!

Snoopy Snoop!

My Mama’s Work

When My Mama comes home, she’s tired and stressed, but she always finds time for me, I’m her Baby, I make her smile, and laugh when she hears my adventures from the day!

Sometimes My Papa calls me ‘ The Mad Dog of Borneo’ don’t ask why – he said it was an expression my human Grandma use to use ( the mad man from Borneo)…

Keeping an eye on things!
Hey what are you doing ?

Anyway, when she comes home even though she’s tired she still takes me for a walk, this is not for me but for her, she’s getting fresh air, she talks about things with her friends, and I get a few licks here and there!

My Mama and me Dancing
Me and Joy trotting along

There are a lot of sick people at the Hospital where my Mama works, sometimes I worry incase she gets sick, but so far she has an angel on her shoulders.

For her Valor and Bravery they are giving her Department free breakfast and lunch sometimes..

She told me she ate Five Guys the other day… I should have been there! I love burgers 🍔 She was so happy about this ( some have been feeding her with ( straw burgers) that’s what Papa calls veggie burgers…

No matter, when she came home she ate salmon and everyone at home had cheese burgers! I had one and 1/2! There I was content…

So here I am cheering My Mama and all the The Humans at My Mama’s Hospital, Stay Safe and Soon it Will be Over… But That Guy in the Sky gotta do something soon…

This is Brooklyn

Brooklyn is a new gal in the complex, she’s a bronx pooch, they’re tough and cute!

She wears her hair on top of her head with a beautiful bow and she’s adorable!!!

We exchange a few licks, her human mama and papa was watching…

This Bronx girl got some taste, her clothes are cute yet sexy, did I tell you she tastes delicious?!!

I like the way she follows my lead…

We have had some run ins during my roaming, she stills looks luscious…

My Human Mama, My Hero

Most Human Mamas are home during this Corona Virus…

My mama is fighting the fight of her life, she’ in the middle of it all. Every morning she’s out and going to the ER in the Bronx, It’s the most infectious of boroughs, yet my mama is there with her smile and her courage rallying on her staff. She works in the Psych unit and she’s the boss, very assertive woman!

She even gets free food from Tiny Fuie Tung they gave free lunches to her unit all week.

But Mama’s best dinner was on Passover, we has Matzah ball soup, Brisket with carrots and sweet potatoes. Afterward we had Matzah Shallot, it’s desert… Mama was happy she had some sweet wine and everyone was having a good time even Alexa when she sang Passover songs, but because my Papa is Italian Alexa sang Peppino the Mouse too!

She gets depressed too there is so much fear and sickness all around her, her ankle which she broke last October hurts bad, (Papa says- there’s one rule to follow- “Don’t Break the Ankle!) that’s another story for another day…

But we try to cheer her up, her friend Joy human Mama helpes her relieve tension by sharing dog walking and an occasional glass of wine.

My human Grandma, calls everyday to see how she’s doing and my dog walker assists sometimes.

My human brother doesn’t help he supposed to give hugs and kisses but he stops short of me biting him, so I piss in his room.

My mama comes home she looks so sad ..but , then she see me and her whole face brightens up. She loves me…

Sometimes my Papa gets angry because Mama’s work wouldn’t leave her alone even on the weekends, and all those people at work are wining about this, and that , and everything. for Petes sake leave her alone! Mama is fragile she my Mama!

My Walker, My Hero

My walker and I are cruising on Scenic, hoping to get a glimpse of Brooklyn or Rosie- but no luck… we reached the circle when all of a sudden this crazy pooch comes running at me. I hold my cool ready to smooch her when my walker hunches down puts her hand forward and stopping this pooch a foot away.

Her human comes out of the house and called her- my walker tells her to go on … she doubles back and starts to leave and midway to her home she charges for my hind chops…

That crazy mongrel never got a chance! My walker grabs me hauls me up by my harness on her shoulder!

I could not breathe, I was shocked, afraid…

My walker knew what that bitch was going to do!

Her human picks her up and apologized…

My walker tells her:

“It’s okay, I knew Bella would do that- she bit Zach last year…”

That bitch’s human said:

“I don’t remember!”

Don’t remember! I still feel it on my hind where she placed her teeth!

My walker, she’s so cool… she tells her:

“ don’t worry I do! Therefore I was ready!”

The reason I did not bite her back is that I respect my elders, this pooch is 14 years old and mean! And her human keeps her off the leash…..